Imida-Erase Ant Bait

TW MOE Reg. No.2349

Household / DIY product

Imida-Erase Ant Bait is the latest ant bait product which is developed and manufactured by Chung Hsi Chemical. It targets indoor nuisance ants, especially sugar-prefer species.

The bait is liquid and slightly sticky. The formulation can keep its moisture after application more than 2 months and the ant workers are still willing to feed on it.

Product details

Please read the instruction on the package label before use

Active ingredient:imidacloprid 0.03 %w/w
Target pest:ant

Apply Imida-Erase Ant bait onto the place where the ants present, such as corner, crevice of cabinets, 

Apply Imida-Erase Ant Bait to places where these ants present, such as corners, cabinet crevice, window sills, table legs, etc. When the worker ants search for food and find the bait, they will gradually gather around the bait drop to feed, then bring back to their nest, share the food with other companions. Finally the active ingredient be spread to whole colony and achieve control effects.

Images:pharaoh ant (Monomorium pharaonis)、ghost ant (Tapinoma melanocephalum) feeding Imida-Erase liquid bait.
(photography by:Yun-Chung Chiang 江允中/ Chung Hsi Chemical)

Where to buy (in Taiwan)?

藥局中西購安心 佑全
Packs: 60 ml
Expired by: 2 years