Effective-Pyriproxyfen LC

TW MOE Reg. No.1814

Household / DIY product

Effective liquid solution series are ready-to-use pesticides. The active ingredient of this product, pyriproxyfen, is from Sumitomo Chemical Japan and final product is made by Chung Hsi Chemical in Taiwan. You don't need to dilute the liquid solution, only need to spray it by any kind of sprayer. Pyriproxyfen is a very good insect growth regulator for controlling pest larvae but not a toxicant which can kill them immediately. You can control many pests and lower the impact on evironment at the same time.

Product details

Please read the instruction on the package label before use

Active ingredient: pyriproxyfen 0.01 %w/w
Target pests: mosquito larva, maggot, biting midge larva

Where to buy (in Taiwan)?

Packs: 1 Liter, 20 pcs/box
Expired by: 2 years
