Sex pheromone paste for tobacco cutworm

TW MOA Reg. No.06630

Tobacco cutworm (Spodoptera litura) has long been a very serious omnivorous pest, which is difficult to control due to notable pesticide resistance. Development of the slow-releasing pheromone product could play an important role within the integrated pest management through attracting the adult males, reducing the successful mating rate of female, and the density of population will decreased gradually.

Product details
The first novel pheromone product of Chung Hsi Chemical and Chaoyang University of Technology.

. There are few legally registered pheromone products in Taiwan.
. Chemically synthesize the sex pheromone of the female Spodoptera litura, attracting males in neighboring areas into traps and being trapped.
. It can be used for density monitoring or trapping and killing a large number of adult Spodoptera litura to reduce the density of pest populations in the field. It can be used on all kinds of crop fields which are infested by Spodoptera litura.
. Microcapsule technology is used for coating pheromones can achieve the purpose of sustained release and make the effect more durable in the field, which can last up to 2 months.
. It can be used with TDARES (Taichung District Agricultural Research and Extension Station, COA)-modified traps, and only requires a very small amount (0.1 g per trap) to be effective; about 7 TDARES traps in one hectare of farmland can achieve the best effect.
. It is made into a paste, which is convenient and safe to use, not easy to touch the human body, and will not touch the crops when applied to the trap, and is especially suitable for organic agriculture.
. Sex pheromones are absolutely specific and will only attract male adults of Spodoptera litura.
. Reducing the use of chemical pesticides also reduces the amount of waste produced, which is more environmentally friendly.
. It is a Biorational pesticides.
2 g and 4 g, 1 paste tube per aluminium package bag.
Important: Keep in refrigerator, DO NOT FREEZE.