Liquid mosquito bait

TW MOE Reg. No.2475

Household / DIY product

.After emergence, the male and female mosquitoes will survive on nectar and dew. This product is a new concept liquid bait that takes advantage of this biological habit of mosquitoes.
.Several third party research labratories have tested and proven that the liquid mosquito bait can effectively reduce the density of mosquitoes in the field.
.Developed and Made by Chung Hsi Chemical in Taiwan.

Product details
Active ingredient: boric acid 1 %w/w

Target pest: mosquito

.There is no need to add water to dilute the bait, just fill the bait directly into the spraying device and spray it.
.Spray on the hedges where male and female adult mosquitoes hide and roost, leaves of landscape plants, or smooth surfaces such as surface-treated wood, metal, plastic, etc. until it is slightly moist but not dripping.
.Mosquitoes will be chronically poisoned by boric acid and die after feeding.
.It is recommended to treat every 2-3 weeks to maintain optimal results.
.If the bait dries out or is washed away by rain, it will need to be re-sprayed.
Packs: 1 Liter, 20 pcs/box
Expired by: 2 years