DETEX ® with Lumitrack

Bell Labs.
Bell Labs. is a famous manufacturer of rodent management products in the United States. It has a variety of products, among which various rodent stations are the most representative.
DETEX rat tracking bait contains special Lumitrack fluorescent dye. After the rat eats the bait, the feces excreted will continue to fluoresce under a specific wavelength of ultraviolet light. As long as you shine this type of UV flashlight, rat droppings will emit fluorescence in the dark, which can be used to track and monitor rats.

Product details
.By tracking these fluorescent rat droppings, PCO technician can confirm the species of rats, the location where they gather, the size of the rat population, and the movement path, and then use rodenticide or traps to control.
.These signs can assist technicians in evaluating before and after prevention and treatment to confirm the effectiveness.
Packs: 20 g/block, 4 kg (~200 blocks) per package
