Bell Labs. Circuit station

Bell Labs.
Bell Labs. is a famous manufacturer of rodent management products in the United States. It has a variety of products, among which various rodent stations are the most representative.
Protecta EVO® CIRCUIT® mimics the appearance of a water and electricity switch box and can blend into the background environment to reduce the sense of obtrusion.

Product details
.Can be placed vertical or horizontal, and can also hold Bell Labs. mousetraps.
.The tray holding rat bait inside is easily accessible for easy organization.
.The fake pipes on both sides can be installed or uninstalled depending on the space on site.
.Bell Labs. new generation EVO® locking design, the same series of products have the same key, making it very simple and convenient to use.

Size: 23 x 24 x 10.2 cm (excluding pipes on both sides )
Packs: 6 pcs/box