2023 / 12 / 25
Cockroach is the common name for insects of Blattodea, which is an order of insects that contains cockroaches and termites. We know that cockroaches have been present as far back as the Carboniferous from the fossils, before dinosaurs appeared on the earth. Some people even predict that even if humans become extinct in the future, cockroaches will still survive on the Earth. The nickname that Taiwanese people know well: "Xiao Qiang" (小強), which aptly reflects the cockroach's tenacity and vitality.

There are thousands of species of cockroaches in the world, most of which live in the wild and have nothing to do with human activities. They live under fallen leaves, rotten soil, rotten wood, and stones, and feed on organic debris or nectar. Certain species with special appearances and habits, such as the Cuban green banana cockroach and the Australian rhino cockroach, are even kept as pets. Only a few species that have invaded and adapted to the human living environment have become sanitary pests.

Common cockroaches at home include American cockroach (Periplaneta americana), German cockroach (Blattella germanica), Australian cockroach (P. australasiae), brown cockroach (P. brunnea), brown belt cockroach (Supella supellectilium), spotted cockroach (Neostylopyga rhombifolia), etc., these species are all species widely distributed around the world. American cockroaches, Australian cockroaches and brown cockroaches are large, while German cockroaches and brown-banded cockroaches are smaller cockroaches. The American cockroach and the German cockroach are the most dominant species in Taiwan's home environment.
Cockroaches molt several times from the nymph stage to become adults. After mating, the female adults produce oothecae containing many eggs. The ootheca gives cockroach eggs good protection. Insecticides cannot penetrate into the ootheca. Therefore, there is no effective method other than direct removal of cockroach ootheca. Cockroaches of all stages can cause trouble to us, so we must prevent and control them.

The negative impact of cockroaches on us mainly comes from contamination caused by contact with living goods and food. The sources include cockroach feces, secretions and bacteria on their body and legs. The amount of food directly eaten by cockroaches is very small. Many people also have a great or inexplicable aversion to cockroaches and feel uncomfortable when they see cockroaches. Therefore, cockroaches in urban environments also have a negative mental impact on people.

Cockroaches prefer warm, humid, dark environments, and like to hide in very small crevices (thigmotaxis), such as ditches, garbage dumps, under piled items, kitchen cabinets, bathrooms and other spaces where cockroaches often gather and breed. German cockroaches can also appear in desk telephones, drawers, computers, etc.
An integrated strategy will be more effective while you consider how to control cockroaches.

1. Environmental management:
Everyone use insecticides to control cockroaches, but environmental management is often overlooked. Because even if insecticides are used diligently, as long as there are intrusive gaps in the home and then take advantage of indoor hiding places and food resources, cockroaches will continue to invade, multiply and appear swaggeringly.

The most common invasion points used by cockroaches include floor drains, sinks and other openings connected to drainage pipes, as well as gaps in buildings such as doors and windows. The drain opening should be of a model that can be opened and closed freely, and a stainless steel filter cup should be placed on the sink to prevent cockroaches from crawling into the house from the water pipes. Screens should be installed on windows and any damage should be repaired; baffles or long-bristle brushes should be installed in the gaps under the exterior doors, and gaps where gas pipes or water pipes pass through the wall should be sealed with filling materials. The above hardware parts and consumables are easy to purchase from the store and install by yourself.

The edge strips of containers used to store items such as cupboards should be checked regularly for damage or dents; gas stoves, sinks, trash cans, etc. often contain food residues and must be kept clean; household garbage should not be left for too long and should be covered or covered on weekdays. Pack up and discard them within a short period of time. Bottles and jars should also be rinsed and stored to avoid leaving juice or residue inside to attract cockroaches and other pests.

2. Pesticide control:
In addition to spraying directly on the cockroaches, automatic spray insecticides can also be sprayed into the slits where they are hiding, which can expel cockroaches from their hiding places and kill.

Liquid Insecticides can be sprayed with a spray tool, is applied evenly and thinly on the cockroach's movement path. If the cockroach steps on it, it will die of pyrethrum poisoning. The residual of the insecticides remained even if it dries, so there is no need to spray it too wet. The same spraying method applies to aerosol insecticides.

Smoke bombs or one-shot aerosol insecticides can be used to dislodge the pesticides by releasing ultra-fine pesticide droplets deep into gaps, crevices and cracks.

If there are a lot of food, tableware, electrical appliances, etc. in kitchens, restaurants, computer rooms, drawers, etc., which are not suitable for spraying, you can use cockroach gel baits. The formula of cockroach gel bait contains moist food ingredients that can attract cockroaches to eat. Once cockroaches eat it, they will be poisoned and die. Different active ingredients have different characteristics, which can be faster or slower, and can even achieve a chain effect. Cockroach gel baits are popular due to the characteristics of being ready-to-use, high efficiency, economical.
3. Natural enemies of cockroaches

A large brown spider, Heteropoda venatoria, which is the main natural enemy of urban cockroaches. This spider is very common indoor and hunts cockroaches. Sometimes an ensign wasp (Evania appendigaster) with an abdomen and antennae that swings rapidly can be seen. The female wasp will search for cockroach ootheca and lay eggs into it. The larvae of the wasp will feed on the cockroach eggs after hatching inside the ootheca. Geckos also prey on cockroaches. Although some people are often troubled by their presence, as long as the home environment is clean and there are no bugs to prey on, they will naturally leave and there is no need to cull them.